Recommended Fasts for Zul Hijjah 2010

Here are suggestions for dates for doing your fasts during the month of Zul Hijjah. Although fasting during Zul Hijjah is not mandatory on Muslims, it reaps many benefits for those doing it.
The Holy Prophet, Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam, has said:
"One fast during these days is equal to the fasting of one complete year, and the worship of one night during this period is equal to the worship in the "Lailatul-Qadr".
It has also been mentioned that there are four months that are sacred in the Islamic calendar. They are Rajab, Zul Qa'dah, the first ten days of Zul Hijjah, and Muharram.
If we are able to, then we should make the extra effort to perform the fast during Zul Hijjah.
Please note that the 1st day of Zul Hijjah 2010 = November 7, 2010 (Sunday)
Recommended Dates for Fasting During Zul Hijjah:
5th day of Zul Hijjah = November 11, 2010 (Thursday)
6th day of Zul Hijjah = November 12, 2010 (Friday)
7th day of Zul Hijjah = November 13, 2010 (Saturday)
9th day of Zul Hijjah = November 15, 2010 (Monday)
Islamic Calendar 2010
"So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom, shall see it,
And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom, shall see it."
[Holy Quran 99:7-8]
Labels: Zul Hijjah