The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent down,
a guidance for the people, and clear verses of guidance and criterion.
[Quran: Chapter 2:183]


Monday, August 30, 2010

When is Laylatul Qadr

Signs of Laylatul Qadr

The Night of Power or Destiny is an extremely important night for Muslims. It is the night in which the Holy Quran, was revealed from Allah (S.W.T.)to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.B.U.H.). It is a night worth more than 1000 days (which is more than the average lifetime of a human from his birth date to his death date).

When exactly is this glorious night? We don't really know, and the early Muslims asked the same question. The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged them to do I’tikaf (seclusion in the mosque away from all worldly thoughts, deeds and concerns) in the last ten days. So the last ten days of Ramadan are very important.

Looking for a Laylatul Qadr Dua?

Check this out heartful dua by Sa'ad Al Ghamdi


Special Ramadan Series

Dear Reader, Assalaamu’alaikum.

Ramadan Mubarak. We wish you a blessed and productive Ramadan! Make no mistake about it - keeping the fast and increasing our acts of worship during this blessed month is not an easy task. The physical demands of balancing work or school with fasting all day, feeling fatigued and less effective than you normally are, waking up for Suhoor, praying Teraweeh and Tahajjud prayers, dealing with sleep deficits.

But the last thing we would want is to let Ramadan pass us by without doing all that we aim and desire to. Do not allow yourself to feel guilty or regretful when Ramadan passes.

The Ramadan Series will send you emails with practical tips on how to gain and maintain the physical and spiritual energy necessary to embark on increased religious oligations so that you will reap the benefits from this blessed month. This includes special Ramadan duas to say during the month. Do sign-up today!

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Blogger Marinette said...

Laylatul Qadr is the night of power, where Allah’s mercy and forgiveness flow abundantly. On this night, the best dua can bring about life-changing blessings. Let's seek Allah's mercy, make heartfelt supplications, and ask for His guidance, protection, and forgiveness. It’s a night when all prayers are accepted, so let’s make the most of it! 💖

📖 Also, don’t forget to read Yaseen pdf to enhance your connection and seek more blessings!

February 17, 2025 at 12:50 PM  

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